Monday, October 7, 2013

He said,

He said, "My business is capital of the beatles. They were four guys who each maintain a tendency negative traits between members were still in a balanced position. They balance each other and the result is far greater than they stand alone. That's how I see business. Something hitman absolution big in the business was never dihasikan than one person. They are the result of a team of a bunch of men. "
The above said is pemikran steve jobs a little piece of what I know and I read in the magazine edition Marketer II / XI / November 2011. Although some of his latest book biography after his death. In telling people that he is a delicious alone, champion interruptions, and other negative traits listed.
But still he is considered as a digital maestro with his works not prodak (loh) - why not own analysis prodak but people think it works if you are consumers mengetaui Apple.
I find, too, "Steve Jobs is the key to success he was able to change the consumer mindset about computers." How he can enable customers to use prodak, because consumers are enjoying hitman absolution prodak task is not how to prodak the street.
I also just mengetaui figure Steve Jobs when I met a lady writers, artists, activists, and entrepreneurs are Kuncoro straight. Precisely when there is a french comedy film at cafe LIP. Where as before I was introduced hitman absolution by my friend Ayu in Culture Gentara love while watching Dance, a traditional dance of the discussions that brought the blue family empire.
mas time kun 'telling you try to read steve jobs speech, entitled "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. "(Do not Ever Satisfied. Always Feel Stupid). I talked hitman absolution earlier about the activities she can still bear fruit despite a lot of talent skill, then he was turning my laptop, let you open the note in my facebook account. Then I found the following words:
Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else's life. Do not be trapped by dogma-which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Do not let what people say drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, then you will come to what you want. Everything else is number two.
And when reading the magazine edition marketer II / XI / November 2011. Why Steve Jobs said in his talk that way, because she prefers intuition than on consumer market hitman absolution research. Although the company (binsis) need to explore (always new utilization) and exploitation (tighten the widest business). But he remained with his determination, to the extent that he was in the kick from the company he founded.
Back to the paragraph above, the perspective on the Beatles steve job (business). Why do I put in the beginning, because in the study perkuliah I took concentration and perbankkan Islamic finance. Although it does not guarantee in my college studies. 120 because the rest of the course is based meteri conventional economics.
Sharia, a lot of them as a blueprint for the economy, businesses and the current hitman absolution systems (I did not elaborate at length sharia, but rather the meaning syrariah). But according to me and my sepemahaman. What happens in transformsi steve jobs on his return to Apple, the values of humanism widely applied in leadership. hitman absolution Like when apple rose, apple just does not tergesah-Gesah to develop a new market. Instead he instead karyaman streamline and minimize the company's needs. first he was able to change the mindset of consumers in using prodak and always see the consumer as a guest istewa that he went directly when consumers hitman absolution complain about apple product input.
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