Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Home Gallery Video Brands Nails By Finish java Crack Creme Duochrome Foil Frost Glitter Jelly Matte

Home Gallery Video Brands Nails By Finish java Crack Creme Duochrome Foil Frost Glitter Jelly Matte Metallic Pearl Sheer Shimmer By Color Black and gray Blue Green Gold and Yellow Orange and coral Brown and bronze Pink Purple Red Silver and white Konad/Fauxnad French manicure Holographic Color changing Neon Nail art Nail stickers Frankenpolish Removers Base coats Tools Make-up Eyes Eyeshadows Mascaras Primers – eyes Brushes – Eyes Eyeliners Face Blush Bronzers Foundation – other Highlighters Liquid foundation Loose powder Pressed powders Brushes – Face Primers Lips Lipgloss Lipliners Lipstick Limited Edition Other Comparisons Skin care Fashion Flowers Jewellery Hair Guest Articles Challenges Hauls, stash, RAOK Swaps
First I applied 2 coats of Crash Base White . I was expecting chalky white finish and application to go with it, but surprisingly application was not difficult at all (as long as I had loaded brush) and finish in kind of glossy. I added one layer of top coat. It’s kind of weirdish java photo as I forgot to take pic outside … white background + light polish java + lightbox is combo beyond my skills.
Next java came one thick coat of Crash Coat Orange . They made formula a little bit thinner than in Royal Crash set, so one thicker coat is easier achievable. It still applies that if you mess up, just add another layer of crash coat and the polish will crackle again.
I wore this as a full manicure yesterday and got some funny comments … mostly from guys of course. They asked me if I ran out of polish, why does it chip that way, how did I do that kind of mani … java And when my darling java commented that they can ask him whatever they wish to know as he has to know all about crackle/magnetic/holo polishes … whether he wants to or not, I almost died laughing.
I’m waiting for crackle and magnetic polishes to come to the store next week. Then I’ll decide whether to get more magnetic or crackle java polishes + I have three Beach Beauty polishes java on my WL. My poor wallet.
New in stores – Alessandro, Essence, Illamasqua
Udarna java kombinacija! Všečno! Maestra’s last post … KOTD: American Apparel java – Trenchcoat with Konad – m83 and Konad Special Polish – Blue PearlKOTD: American Apparel java – Trenchcoat s Konad – m83 in Konad posebnim lakom – Blue Pearl
Ulmiel: sem dobila auto-reply, da je gospa s katero sem na vezi do 20.6. odsotna. Sicer pa prodajajo Alessandro izdelke v: Douglasu, Limoniju, Nami, Maximarketu. Ni hudič, da jih nekje ne bomo dobili. Takoj, ko jih zagledam, sporočim.
Danes sem jih že frantično iskala po Ljubljani … morda veš, bodo samo v Mullerjih? V Nami so me samo začudeno gledale, o kakšnih magnetnih lakih govorim, v Maxiju java so pa tudi rekle, da niso nič naročal … me je kar malo presenetilo, java sem se že prepričala, da bo oranžko danes moj.
Če ni odveč, bi te lepo prosila, ja. Ker me zdaj pa že kar malo jezi. V Nami sta obe malodane zagotovili, da te kolekcije ne bo, v Maxiju ni vedela o čem govorim, potem v Mullerju pa so rekli, da pošiljke v Mullerju ne pričakujejo. Tako da res ne vem, edino če si bodo že vse v skladišču potalal.
June 10th, 2011 at 12:29
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Catrice spring 2013 nail polish haul + video March 27, 2013
Select Month December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January java 2009
Alessandro Black and gray Blue Brown and bronze Catrice Chez-Delaney China Glaze Comparisons Creme Duochrome Essence Essie Eyeliners Eyeshadows FOTD Frost Glitter Gold and Yellow Gosh Green Hauls, stash, RAOK Holographic Illamasqua Konad Konad/Fauxnad KOTD Limited Edition Lipgloss Lipstick Manhattan Matte Metallic NOTD OPI Orange and coral Other Pink Polishes Purple java Red Sheer Shimmer Silver and white Swatches/Bottles Sweetscents
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Home Gallery Video Brands Nails By Finish Crack Creme Duochrome Foil Frost Glitter Jelly Matte Metallic Pearl Sheer Shimmer By Color Black and gray Blue Green Gold and Yellow Orange and coral Brown and bronze Pink Purple Red Silver and white Konad/Fauxnad French manicure Holographic Color changing Neon Nail art Nail stickers Frankenpolish Removers Base coats Tools Make-up Eyes Eyeshadows Mascaras Primers – eyes Brushes – Eyes Eyeliners Face Blush Bronzers Foundation – other Highlighters Liquid foundation Loose powder Pressed powders Brushes – Face Primers Lips Lipgloss Lipliners Lipstick Limited Edition Other Comparisons Skin care Fashion Flowers Jewellery Hair Guest Articles Challenges Hauls, stash, RAOK Swaps
New collection by Illamasqua, new inspirational make up photos. The collection is called Human Fundamentalism . The collection is all about bold colors. Purples, turquoise … I love the colors in the collection!
The promo images say that the Human Fundamentalism is an explosion of your alter ego. It’s becoming who you are and not who you’re told to be. Illamasqua stands for freedom of expression, embracing our glorious imperfections and showing the world we’re not ordinary but extraordinary, even if society refuses to accept it.
I love colors! I love and adore people who have their own style, who are not afraid to express themselves through clothes and make up. Just people who are daring enough to be themselves! I think that’s daring and at the same time it’s creative. Why creative? Because it’s just a lot easier to copy others and be part of the mainstream people than to put together your own style.
I’ve had a bit of “color depression” during past winter. I just wasn’t in the mood for bold colors. I wore a lot of black, find stolen phone which is totally not me. That’s all over now. I already bought bright yellow scarf and a blouse. I pair them with my green blazer. Yeah baby, I’m so ready for bold colors! And creating Human Fundamentalism inspired make up look was such a great way to stop my “color depression”. Just look at all those bright and fun colors …
Products that I’ve used to create find stolen phone the look. Face: Avon – Ideal Flawless liquid foundation in the shade Shell Illamasqua – Daemon powder eyeshadow for cheeks find stolen phone orange eyeshadow by Inglot for cheeks
Eyes: UDPP in shade Eden Illamasqua – Pivot powder eyeshadow (light lime green over entire movable eyelid) Illamasqua – Obsidian powder eyeshadow (matte black in the crease) Inglot – blue green eyeshadow Inglot – yellow eyeshadow white sparkly pigment mixed with the Illamasqua sealing gel – for the eyeliner white pencil on the waterline
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Our mascot would adopt you on the site. I like all the vibrant colors working together to achieve playful and bold look. Gejba’s last post … Alessandro Peppermint Patty and funky butterfly’sAlessandro Peppermint Patty in metuljčki
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Mmm, letos res prevladujejo krasne žive barve za pomlad in poletje. Maestra’s last post … Illamasqua – Human Fundamentalism inspired make up look by MaestraIllamasqua – find stolen phone Human Fundamentalism find stolen phone inspiriran make up by Maestra
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Step 4: if you get back at least one Router Advertisement msg to your RS msg (step 3), then determin

go6.si » IPv6 Stateless Autoconfiguration – enostavna razlaga.
Avtor JanZorz , 08.Apr 2011, 08:49, Objavljeno v IPv6 izobraževanja , IPv6 tehnika Na forumih se včasih pojavijo zanimive razlage raznih delov IPv6 protokola, tokrat sem naletel na post, v katerem Lawrence Hughes iz podjetja Infoweapons razlaga novincem v IPv6 svetu, guitar flash kako deluje SLAAC. Zanimivo branje, predvsem za novince…
Step 1: generate a 64-bit “interface identifier” (low 64 bits of an IPv6 address) – using either EUI64 (create from 48-bit MAC address) or randomized interface identifier (chosen at random from 2**64 possible values) – which depends on node configuration. say it is 1:2:3:4.
Step 4: if you get back at least one Router Advertisement msg to your RS msg (step 3), then determine use link local address of one of them as your default gateway, guitar flash and if at least one 64-bit prefix is returned (say 2001:db8:1000:2000::/64), then also generate a global unicast address using ii from step 1, say 2001:db8:1000:2000:1:2:3:4. This is done for each unique 64-bit prefix returned guitar flash by router(s) that responded.
Step 5: check RA msg for M and O bits. If M=1, then there is a stateful DHCPv6 guitar flash server (or relay agent) on the local link. If so, send request to all DHCPv6 servers/relay agents on local link multicast address, obtain another unique global unicast address and various stateless info (IPv6 address of DNS, etc). SLAAC complete.
If M=0, but O=1, there is a stateless DHCPv6 server (or relay agent). Send request to all DHCPv6 server/relay agent multicast address and get stateless info (IPv6 address of DNS, etc). SLAAC complete.
Most nodes have no way to prevent guitar flash SLAAC from working, although on some if you configure a static IPv6 global address manually, SLAAC does not work (e.g. FreeBSD). This appears to be not compliant with RFCs. With Windows or Linux, even if you manually specify a static address, they still do SLAAC, and get default gateway and a SLAAC node address.
DHCPv6 can only work if SLAAC works (otherwise it won’t know setting of M and O bits from RA msg). In theory a node could contact DHCPv6 without using SLAAC, but it would not be able to get default gateway, and this is not in compliance with RFCs.
So, in general (except in FreeBSD), if you configure a global address manually, and there is a stateful DHCPv6 server available, you will get (at least) 3 distinct global IPv6 addresses (at least one from SLAAC, one from manual, and one from DHCPv6 stateful). Windows Vista/7 by default gets TWO global addresses from SLAAC – one permanent and one temporary. All these are IN ADDITION to link local address guitar flash the node creates automatically.
Next hop is ALWAYS link local. If target is on-link, link-local will always work. If target is off-link, it will use default gateway address for next hop, which should always be link-local. Exception is if you manually guitar flash configure a global unicast default gateway (not generally a good idea, but it will work). ND address resolution usally guitar flash maps link-local addresses onto link-layer (MAC) addresses.
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : hughesnet.local Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-22-15-24-32-9C DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes Autoconfiguration Enabled guitar flash . . . . : Yes IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:470:3d:3000::2:1(Preferred) Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, March 24, 2011 7:21:19 PM Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:28:01 PM IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:470:3d:3000:222:15ff:fe24:329c(Prefe rred) IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:470:3d:3000:9201:9970:fbe8:4662(Pref erred) Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::222:15ff:fe24:329c%11(Preferred) IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Sunday, March 20, 2011 6:59:57 PM Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, March 29, 2011 7:21:19 PM Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 2001:470:3d:3000::1 fe80::21b:21ff:fe1d:c159%11 DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . : DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 218112533 guitar flash DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-11-99-BD-28-00-22-15-24-32-9C
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:470:3d:3000::11 2001:470:3d:3000::12 NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled Connection-specific DNS Suffix guitar flash Search List : hughesnet.local
First global IPv6 address listed came from DHCPv6 stateful (2001:470:3d:3000::2:1) DHCPv6 was configured with pool 2001:470:3d:3000::2:1 to 2001:470:3d:3000::2:ffff address is from DHCPv6, so it is counting down, but still in preferred state (preferred counter and valid counter still both > 0).
Next two global IPv6 addresses came from SLAAC (I configured my Win7 to use EUI-64, by default it uses ra

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

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go6.si dhcp client settings to configure the LAN port on the CPU
Author JanZorz, webcam 18.Nov 2011, 11:44, Posted in IPv6 ISP IPv6 experience in the introduction, technique IPv6, IPv6 IPv6 is slowly coming in the home environment, some operators have tested and introduced IPv6 IPOE or PPPoE connections and Here we are greeted by quite a large selection webcam of CPE (modem) device that supports IPv6, you can make a PPPoE connection from an ordinary router, which is running OpenWRT example ...
This version of "WRT" operating system webcam supports everything we need to establish IPv6 and IPv4 on the PPPoE connection in some settings but just be careful. Typically, the first breaks in the DHCP client. We recommend Wide-DHCPv6-client, where it is necessary to change some settings.
sla_id tells us what the system should be added to the IPv6 prefixu to create the / 64 subnets of the first interface. If the ISP assigned us in 2001: db8: ffff :: / 56 and we sla_id = 1, then we will make our system first interface subnet 2001: db8: ffff: 1 :: / 64
sla_len tells us how many bits we have for Site Level Aggregation. If the ISP assigned a / 56, then we have 8 bits to / 64 and that we must also write, webcam because we otherwise the system will not assign anything to the LAN interface. If we get the ISP / 48, then this number is 16
Even a quick glance in the Router Advertisement daemon configuration: config webcam interface webcam option interface 'lan' option AdvSendAdvert 1 option AdvManagedFlag option AdvOtherConfigFlag 0 0 option ignore 0 config prefix option interface 'lan' option webcam prefix'' AdvOnLink option 1 option 1 option AdvAutonomous AdvRouterAddr 0 option ignore 0 config rdnss option interface 'lan' option addr '2 webcam A00: ee0: d :: 23 'option ignore 0
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Friday, December 27, 2013

RejZoR is 2 August 2012 at 08:45 said: Sorry I added this system will dim until the end. I do not w

Windows 8 RTM ready @ Slo-Tech Jump to content Site Map News Snowden satisfied with its mission, the NSA is drowning in data :: yesterday at 19:18 While you borrow a book, she reads you :: yesterday at 18:59 The Inspectorate coolmathgames has not taken action against the authorities, despite the application is not made public information :: yesterday at 12:43 Taiwan fined for Apple iPhone pricing :: yesterday at 10:13 in the attack on the Target 40 million stolen credit card numbers, Krebs was looking for the perpetrators: 26 December 2013 at 13:12 OPPO N1 for sale :: 25 December 2013 at 21:34 Italy adopted the problematic "Google Law" in the fight against evasion of payment of taxes :: 25 December 2013 at 14:26 NLB must reimburse the damage caused by phishing :: 25 December 2013 at 10:25 Alan Turing pardoned :: 24 December 2013 at 15:48 Author Mariposa in Maribor sentenced to nearly five years in prison coolmathgames :: 24 December 2013 at 10:42 New arrests in the case of the Silk Road :: 23 December 2013 at 21:09 RSA denies the allegations :: 23 December 2013 at 17:53 Scientific data disappearing :: 23 December 2013 at 10:25 Spain was the first European country has fined Google for aggregating data :: 22 December 2013 at 19:45 Jailbreak iOS 7 :: 22 December 2013 at 17:34 Last articles
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Special outs Author:-all-authors AlienRR amigo_no1 Architect Azgard blackbfm Bluefish Bor H bsaksida coolmathgames camx cekr Elysium Ender filip007 freesty Ganon Jaffa Jst Kenpachi KTr1sk lmorgh Looooooka Lugia Master Chief Mavrik mit3k mrdaco MrStein mtosev coolmathgames nebivedu noraguta Oberyn opeter pecorin Poldi112 RejZoR RockyS Sc0ut techfreak :) TheRiddle tilen32 Win64 zee wee Keyword:
Microsoft - As expected, Microsoft has finally prepared the arrival of August, this release of manufacturing (RTM) version of Windows 8, and it has already sent its major partners ("OEM Partners"). In the middle of the month you will get more developers with a subscription to MSDN, along with a fresh copy of Visual Studio developer tools and guidelines for admission to the upcoming Windows Store for Metro apps, and more slowly for subscribers to TechNet, ie. especially coolmathgames for larger companies with collective licenses. General availability is, as already mentioned, scheduled for 26 October, student edition (MSDNAA) but unfortunately still does not know. Post or. rather, certificates, are also price. Upgrading to Windows coolmathgames 7 will cost $ 39.99 or. half of that, if you computer with preinstalled sedemko just bought this or next month (only for certain coolmathgames models and, of course, only for Americans, at least for now). Another option is buy a computer preloaded with osemko. Buy only cleat, or of the box in. digital version, but it appears to not be possible.
Read more ... Windows 8.1 is already available for MSDN / TechNet :: 9 September 2013 :: Microsoft TechNet coolmathgames abolished 4 September 2013 Adobe Creative Cloud is broken, but the number of subscriptions exceeded expectations :: 25 June 2013 Windows 8 already fled to the web :: 6 August 2012 forced Microsoft to remove the name "Metro" :: 4 August 2012 Newell of the decision to support Linux :: 28 July 2012 Confirmed: Windows 8 comes at the beginning of August 9 :: July 2012 Released Windows 8 Release Preview :: 1 June 2012 W8 Metro theme for rootane Android tablets :: 10 April 2012 The first transparent version of Windows 8 for developers :: 1 April 2011
Sorry I added this system coolmathgames will dim until the end. I do not want to impose first half Win7 and Win8 Upgrade yet, because it takes half again longer. And maintain a whole bunch of crap from Win7. I want to buy just Win8 and upload their own. If the price would be EUR 150 for the stand-alone download does not much thought ...
Well ... If you want to clean the system and save a few $, then upload sformatiraš license win7 then upgread on win8. Because if you have a clean installation of Win7 then won 't win8 transferred to a crap. The second would be if you used win7 for several years then they decide to upgread. coolmathgames
RejZoR is 2 August 2012 at 08:45 said: Sorry I added this system will dim until the end. I do not want to impose first half Win7 and Win8 Upgrade coolmathgames yet, because it takes half again longer. And maintain a whole bunch of crap from Win7. I want to buy just Win8 and upload their own. If the price would be EUR 150 for the stand-alone download does not much thought ... What is that, when (may be fresh) installation signup code from an existing license (W7, XP ...) and you can upload directly only Win8? That is what I read somewhere coolmathgames on the ST ...
RejZoR is 2 August 2012 at 08:45 said: Sorry himself this system nal

Thursday, December 26, 2013

In the first place it will be necessary to edit the file from the original Windows media, which we

iPROM "How dpreview to install Windows from a USB key?
What to do if we have our computer without an optical or a defective unit and we have to install Windows? We have several alternative routes installation. This time I will present one of the most simple and useful - USB boot and install from a usb flash drive. Unfortunately, not all computers support this, but they have newer systems in most of the already built-in support in the BIOS for USB boot. The easiest way to check the official website of the manufacturer of your motherboard, or what the very BIOS. 1 Supplies
Before we start installing the Windows system (XP, Vista, 7) we need the following: Original medium with the Windows operating system (DVD / CD) media or image on your hard drive. In the first possibility, it is necessary then to have another system with a functioning optical unit. In the second emulator (such as Daemon Tools Lite) or manually expand the contents of the ISO images in a folder. A rapid USB key with at least 4GB or 8GB of space. I recommend that a key has a very high speed read and write. Before dpreview the procedure you compulsorily save all the files from the USB somewhere else, because it will be necessary to reformat the drive and also delete any existing data on it. Application for converting media and record a bootable USB drive. I myself used WinToFlash, but there are at least xyz similar dpreview programs.
In the first place it will be necessary to edit the file from the original Windows media, which we will then write to the USB. If we carry on this PC, then either mount the ISO image to a virtual CD drive, or simply expand the file to a folder on the disk. If you are doing this somewhere else, then, can be directly copied files from a CD or DVD to USB.
The following links WinToFlash download the program and install it. You know - the wanton clicking the Next button until you see the joyful Finish button. Once the program is installed insert a USB stick (which dpreview was previously sformatirali) and run the program. Do not, do not be intimidated by the beta code because the program nevertheless makes what followed was intended. The program has otherwise Slovenian translation, but it appears it was made with the help of google translate and it is therefore quite humorous. Therefore prefer to use the original English version, to avoid what is wrong.
Bootable usb can be prepared in two ways - through the wizard (recommended) or through the advanced mode, which allows us a little more freedom in the settings. We will use the first method because it is faster and because the average user does not have any visible benefit from the advanced settings. In the Welcome tab! Click the button with the green arrow to the left of the Windows Setup Wizard. In the next dialog box, simply click Next. Now you will need to set the path to the installation files and a USB key. In the Windows File Path mark the path to the installation files - CD / folder on disk / virtual CD. Mandatory must be extended to a file and not itself an ISO image file. The second field indicates the USB drive path to the USB key on which you want to burn files. After determining both fields again click Next. A window appears with the license conditions If checked where I accepted the terms of the License Agreement and poklikamo Continue. A warning is displayed, it will be necessary to format the USB key and explains that this means, inter alia delete all existing files on it. Gently squeeze the OK button. Then the file transfer. Wait for the green light comes to 100% and is written inscription Finished. Then click the Next button. A new window opens and will see the record All done, which means that the bootable usb successfully created. Click the Exit button and check in Windows Explorer or the file correctly write it down.
On the computer where we want to install Win OS must be pre-set bootanje from USB. This is done so that during boot enter the BIOS by pressing Del or one of the Fx (1-12) keys. When we are in the BIOS find the Boot, Boot sequence, Boot device and the first place the USB option. Restart your computer, insert the USB and follow the wizard to install the OS itself.
You're not even imagine fnte how difficult it is some old computer to make sure that the Boot With USBja. Well, I tell you, it is difficult to murder (I know, old post ... but you were one of the first hits on Google. Care) filmoljub - 13/02/2013 at 18:27
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Given that the Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel is a very simple tool, a lot more than 60 KB, the large

Alcohol 120% is a direct successor of the Phantom DVD and it is one of those programs that are due to its ability to protect media celebration very popular borderlands 2 with those with fewer legal purposes. It contains a special tool called ACID Wizard (Alcohol You need JavaScript enabled Initiative for DRM), which allows the program to hide mounted virtual drives before the programs that you would like to detect, such as SafeDisc, SecuROM, and Data Position Measurement. This does not mean that there is no Alcohol 120%, primarily as a program intended for legal tasks, such as backup borderlands 2 and distribution of free / open source software, like all other programs of this type. Especially borderlands 2 glad to users of gaming consoles, as this program easily managed with photographs of the media on which are stored Games for gaming consoles. They will be able to easily create a backup and lively kids will not do major damage if you break any CD. In addition to editing Alcohol 120% enables the creation and recording of images, but unfortunately version of Alcohol 120% is not free.
Alcohol 52%, allows mounting of "only" 6 virtual drives borderlands 2 at the same time (instead of 31), and does not allow for recording images. Alcohol 52% is paid and a free version, in that it contains a promotional free software whose installation is not necessary to install the program. Both versions have a lot of options, although many of them were also just technically more gifted. Thankfully, the default settings are selected so that an ordinary user can not be changed. Designed for: editing, recording, converting and editing images of optical discs for game consoles To: Many supported formats, the celebration of protection, a lot of settings, imaging discs for consoles Cons: Price, borderlands 2 advertising software Price: 52% Alcohol borderlands 2 Free, Alcohol 120 % 39 Web address: www.alcohol-soft.com/
Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel v2.0.1.1 borderlands 2 This program mention the special subtitled, because it does not belong in the same group with the other, although actually performs the same function. Written by a Microsoft itself, but fair support him will not find anywhere on Microsoft sites, which tells us that they did not intend to enable users to their operating systems also use this tool. The tool will come in handy especially users of virtual systems (eg VMWare, borderlands 2 VirtualBox, Microsoft Virtual PC) and others borderlands 2 who, for one reason or another and need a portable program borderlands 2 with minimalist requirements. Since the installation and use of a slightly more complex borderlands 2 than programs borderlands 2 with the wizard, some instructions:
0 Take off your pack Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel from http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/6/7b6abd84-7841-4978-96f5-bd5 borderlands 2 ... 1.Kopiramo VCdRom.sys in the folder% systemroot% \ system32 \ drivers. 2 Run VCdControlTool.exe. 3 Click Driver Control. 4 If you see the Install Driver button, borderlands 2 click it. Find the folder% systemroot% \ system32 \ drivers, VCdRom.sys selected, and click Open. 5 Click Start. 6 Click OK. 7 Click Add Drive if you want to add a disk to the list. Added drive, of course, not be one of the local drives. 8 The list of selected character which is not yet in use, and kliknemoMount. 9 Pribrskamo to an optical disc image file, select it, and click OK.
Given that the Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel is a very simple tool, a lot more than 60 KB, the large capacity of it can not be expected. It supports only files. Iso, which can be installed, it works only in Windows 2000 and XP, although they have found brave men who forced him to work even in Windows Vista. Designed for: editing images of optical discs, suitable for virtual systems for Very minimalist tool suitable for "special circumstances" Against: Poor performance is slightly more complicated to use Price: borderlands 2 Free Web address:
In addition to the programs borderlands 2 you mention, there are a whole host of other applications borderlands 2 that can work with these files. Selected programs are simply limited set of the most popular and most frequently used programs, such as the simplest possible way the emulation of a virtual optical drive.
For Windows, among others, there are programs and software packages such as Ashampoo, CloneCD / CloneDVD, ISOBuster, PowerISO, borderlands 2 UltraIso, WinImage, software for burning optical discs, such as Nero and CDBurnerXP, as well as programs to work with archive files, such as 7zip , WinZip and WinRAR, which is also able to manage files of images of optical disks.
DAEMON Tools and Alcohol 120 (52)% will come in handy for those who would like despite the various protections to manufacturers today equip programs and games have the assurance that the physical destruction of the media will also mean the destruction of the program by the (expensive ) pay. Of course, making such copies may also be more marginal lawful or unlawful purposes, but such crack

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

They say that the

They say that the "best" in the formats and standards argim in computing that there are so many to choose from. Each author is the program argim you would like to see his source, preferably a commercial format to become the next great global standard. One area where this is especially true scope of the images of optical disks, which are great inventions and a very convenient way to work with data stored, backup and almost every other field of application of optical discs. A FEW WORDS ABOUT disk image
Although we have pictures and other optical argim discs probably all meet, it's one of the things that most take for it for granted and do not think about it too much something. It mostly is not necessary, but if you are dealing with these files will not be redundant if they briefly. Picture disk (disk image) is basically a file that contains all the data stored on the media. This means that not only contains files with the media, but also the structure of the media itself and the information about where exactly is what saved file. So the image contains information about the structure of the media "sector by sector" or "byte for byte" and is so precise contextual and structural copy of the medium. Some tools for working with disk images for such "cloning" disc content is compressed, mostly in order to remove unused space. This file is no longer figure in the literal argim sense, but already one of the archive files.
Today, the use of images of hard drives for backup area, quite separate from the scope of the images of optical disks, which are mainly used for file transfer and backup optical discs. The biggest advantage of these files is that the installation of the optical disc or download its contents somewhere else is not necessary to write ("baking") physical puck CD or DVD, but you can use their images to create a virtual optical drive, which can do everything what could be done with the physical. Another advantage of such a method works is that the transfer of such data to the virtual CD-ROM argim or DVD much faster than the physical, it is not necessary argim laser-read optical media and transfer data from it to the hard drive, but everything happens within the framework of hard drive. To download the optical disc somewhere on the other end of the world as we do not need envelopes for CD and postage, it can image the media sent via the Internet than any other file. Needless to say, this kind of valuable data stored also much safer than if they were stored on optical argim media. Hard disk is safely stored in a metal box which further protects the computer chassis or enclosure external drive, optical media, we all know how fragile argim they are. If we file safely brought to possibly more than one hard drive, a few scratches on the plastic will not be able to spoil the day.
Images of optical discs are also very popular among legal and illegal exchangers files as they are ideal for the distribution of content argim that otherwise distributed on optical media, such as programs, games and operating systems. In this context, it is well to remember that these files may also contain various viruses, Trojans, rootkits and other dirt on which images of optical disks, of course, are not immune. Therefore, caution should be exercised when working argim with files that we've got somewhere in the Internet, not redundant. In general, we will focus free program that allow you mount images of optical media.
Mounting (mounting) is a process simulation software that creates a virtual optical drive. This will be recognized by the computer argim exactly as it would recognize the physical. Some of programs for editing these files also allow the creation of optical media files, converting them to other formats, and the like, although these purposes generally argim useful programs for "baking" of optical discs (CDBurnerXP, Nero, DeepBurner ...). Before you create the belief that these programs are absolutely necessary, applies also to know that the images of optical media (as I mentioned argim earlier) in close kinship with archive files such as. Zip,. Rar., 7z., Tar.gz and the like. Therefore, in many cases, can file. Iso. Bin., Or other more well-known image formats easily opened by programs to work with archive files such as the. 7zip and WinRAR. It sometimes does not work when you are dealing with copies of the programs or games, even bigger obstacle is endless confusion in the field of formats. FORMATS, FORMATS FORMATS AND AGAIN ...
About all formats appearing on the work with images of optical disks, it would probably be cataloged the entire magazine. But this is one of those areas where the format even more crowded than anywhere else. It's good to show that every commercial program unable to exercise their own, commercial format. Most image formats of optical discs is so commercial and closed, we are working problems, as they often can be opened only by their own program. The only more or less

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What are you recording? If you want to get the ISO file from CD or DVD as it was originally, we can

A few years ago it was recording file size of one CD, something that will require considerable patience, the size of a DVD, it was almost an impossibility. Therefore, we have software almost always received on optical media. Operating systems and major applications we usually get a CD-ROM or DVD. A faster connections are changed. Now the file size of one CD-ROM igrice downloaded in a few minutes, the DVD also does not require a flat all day. And so many software manufacturer decides to distribute its product in the form of an ISO file. And what is the ISO file?
For the best performance possible compared to ISO ZIP s. In both cases, it is a kind of archive, where multiple files is stored in a single. But there is a crucial igrice difference. ISO file it's something more - the actual physical picture of optical media, and not just a collection of files. It is a kind of clone CD or DVD as a file. In addition to the files themselves is contained in the so-called igrice metadata about those files, as well as special hidden files and structures needed for example for making bootable CD-ROM or DVD. For example, if a start-up DVD ISO image and make the image the correct way "bake" to another DVD, we get the same boot DVD, so such from which the computer can also be started. It is extremely important say in the distribution of the operating system. WHERE DOES THE NAME OF ISO
This file format is pretty old stuff. ISO name was given because it is already a CD format, and later the DVD, based on ISO 9660, which was created in 1986, when they were optical media only in embryonic form. ISO 9660 is the standard filesystem one of the relatively few success stories. Any latest DVD or even a Blu-ray will be able to read the oldest data CDs, even if they are aged twenty or more years, if not physically damaged. This means that the standard for a high degree of backward igrice compatibility, which in the modern information world is not very often. What's igrice more - the modern standard igrice UDF, which can be found in modern dual-layer DVD and Blu-Ray is also compatible with the ISO 9660th Although this is an old standard, but this is not as inefficient as you would think. Its interesting igrice feature is that it is not limited to standard-size media, igrice such as CD and DVD, that is 700 MB or 4.7 GB, but can be any size. Standard is about the size do not even talk. Therefore, the ISO files can be large only about a megabyte, but can a few gigabytes. ISO - THEATRE AND PEKARNA
Walk through the ISO will be limited on how to work with existing files and how to create an ISO file from CD or DVD in one of the following numbers, igrice but we also fun to create files as such.
Let us assume, therefore, that we get a picture of the disc. What can it do? You really have to shoot them on optical media or otherwise can see and use what's in it? If it is already filming, recording or is it the same as for ordinary files? The answer to the last question is - no. File not necessarily recorded on an optical igrice storage medium that can be used, and do not usually record is not an option.
As regards access to and use of the ISO file, without telling them it is not possible to look at what Windows Explorer or in an ordinary program to work with files. For this we need special programs. igrice They usually igrice work by the ISO file converted into virtual disk appears in Windows Explorer, and then it is evident what is in it. We we will see an example of application of the program free Daemon Tools Lite, but there are a whole range of operating on a fairly similar. Normally such a way that it starts and we tell him to order (mount) a disc image or ISO file. Then, this picture shows such as the following drive - if we had a say in the computer as C: and D: hard drives labeled as E: is the DVD drive, the new file added as F:. If you then run the Windows Explorer, igrice can it with this "drive" do the same as with any optical media. If it is, for example, a program, it may be placed, as it would be installing igrice from a CD or DVD. The same is also the case for the game. It is a way you can even have the advantage over classical, if we have a game that requires that before playing the drive is inserted medium in which we got. In ISO file can be classic drive remains empty because the data is read from the virtual.
What are you recording? If you want to get the ISO file from CD or DVD as it was originally, we can not just shoot ISO file to DVD. We have to use any of the special tools. In Windows 7 is such a tool already igrice built in, so it is enough to ISO file right-click and select the recording. In previous versions of Windows, it is necessary to use special tools. In the web there are a few special tools for recording such files, but if we have any modern program for recording CDs and DVDs, such as Nero Burning ROM, Roxio Creator, Cyberlink Power2Go and the like, search is not necessary, since practically all support, just look for

Monday, December 23, 2013

Installation is carried out fairly standardized, so the site of its progress not need to waste word

So, now everything is ready to install the system. In the VirtualBox window, select Start, and the process will begin. First, we will then be asked where to find the installation files. If you are installation media "baked" on DVD, select the physical DVD drive if you are using Daemon Tools or any of the similar programs, but the virtual drive where we are "assembled" picture. And so the thing runs ...
Installation is carried out fairly standardized, so the site of its progress not need to waste words. The user requires quite a bit of data. First, the language of the installation, where the Slovene for now, of course, yet, it is possible to find in form time and date format and language distribution of the keyboard. Followed by entry of the product key, this is the one code, which we say that it must be copied from the website, from which we removed the ISO file. Then choose the option of the new installation (not upgrade), and the system as a target medium itself offers a disc that was created by using VirtualBox. Confirmed by both flow and copying files. This of course takes some time, which is normal - already naked up 2.5 gigabytes would take quite some time, let alone if it is to this task required the installation of drivers streaming4iphone and similar matters.
After copying subsequent to the first restart, in which the screen is slightly more "graphic". The following are entries to the computer adapt to each user. We have to enter the name that you will have our computer (say Win8PC or something like that), then you can choose which Use express settings, which determine that the system streaming4iphone be installed with default settings. Track your subscription email address. Preferably, if this is the address streaming4iphone of the Windows Live! Which can be made free of charge. If we use this address to transmit programs from the store windows store and use other features, such as SkyDrive and Live Mesh offered by Windows Live!. Address You can create streaming4iphone as clicking on a link in the window installation, if you do not want to sign with such a title, but Microsoft also offers this option. After entering the email address we offer the system has started an alternative address where you can send the data if the base address wrong and should be reinstalled and password. And that's all. Installation streaming4iphone ends and the screen returns to the basic display Windows 8 with its distinctive user interface. And what brings Windows 8? It read in the article that follows.
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24/06/2013 HP M475dw 17/06/2013 Wacom Inkling 10/06/2013 Syabas Popcorn Hour A400 Sony HDR AS15 06/06/2013 03/06/2013 27/05/2013 Logitech G600 MMO Intel SSD 335 240 GB 05.20.2013 AMD FX-6200 more >>

5 Now, when we turn off all unnecessary programs, we just have to confirm (do this by pressing

Has it ever happened that you computer is lighting up "half an hour" and then you are needing for a long time, you can resume normal work on it. We have one of the solutions to this problem, which will enable faster your PC is ready to use! This will be done so that we exclude some unnecessary startup programs at startup. WARNING: Improper gps use of the procedure can lead to malfunction of the operating system. Procedure at your own risk. This is done according to the procedure described below:
4 In this window, ticking all the excess programs: eg. Windows Live Messenger, uTorrent / BitTorrent, various minor update programs, Daemon Tools, etc.. WARNING: Care should be taken not to shut down any of the important processes, for example. antivirus program (in the example shown, this is Avast!), or any of the other important processes (including operating system)! List of processes can be found at http://www.tasklist.org/
5 Now, when we turn off all unnecessary programs, we just have to confirm (do this by pressing "OK"), and the computer will be one of us asked to restart your computer, and press "Restart" (or reboot) and with a little gps luck we will accelerate the momentum computer.
HM ss ............. I have a problem ........... I installed itself add to igrco The Sims 2 me now not play ............. because it says it could not have original cd holders ........ but some are written dab try it with Daemon Tools
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dejan Ask the Builder on the Ask a Question B on the Ask a Question When your antivirus program is

Almost every file on the computer is the operating system of a particular program with which you can open. For example, files with the extension doc - Microsoft Office odt - OpenOffice, pfd - Adobe Reader, bmp - Paint (Paint), txt - Notepad (Notepad), PPT - Power Point, WMV - Windows Media Player html - any web browser, and so onwards. Each of the links (Playoffs - program) is basically set by the installation program. The given example. nikon d3100 doc file as the icon for Microsoft Word. What if you yourself (accidentally of course) to change the link - wrongly, of course, for example. link to doc - Windows Media Player or more to boot files with the extension exe is determined to put forth a particular program?! nikon d3100 Problem! However, they learn to solve in the present case.
How do we know the most easy or link extension - the file correctly? 1 in file icon appears on the program nikon d3100 with which you open 2 double-click opens the file with the correct program
If the above two statements do not wallow can be addressed manual connection settings Playoffs - file. The most simple solution in this case is to simply nikon d3100 follow the steps below. An example is written to replace the links doc - Microsoft Windows to connect Doc - OpenOffice nikon d3100 Write.
2 Opens your list of installed programs - select the desired OpenOffice Write. If you want to always open with the newly selected program further below, check the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of files"
Yesterday I was going to install the program asdf, this is a program with which you learn blind typing desetprstnega. Downloaudal it here. When I clicked on this, I saved and opened in WinZipu. There is a problem. I did not know what to do and I followed the instructions and I have quite a few clicks. Namely, Open With, and I chose the program Daemon Tools. When I do that I wrote that kind of mistake, or. I can not open (in WinZipu was more than one file). I then close the WinZip. Make it the following icon for each program that I have on the computer has changed through the program Daemon Tools icon, but the icon was smaller. When I try to open one of these, I wrote a mistake in the taskbar, or I choose nikon d3100 to open a program that I want to open. I saw that I made a mistake and I opened the Control Panel, nikon d3100 first click Search, and troubleshooting and I wrote: the program can not be found. Then I tried to Check the condition of your computer and click System Restore and put the Open System Restore, but I wrote that System Restore could not be started. I thought it may be wrong that I have Daemon Tools on your computer, and so I removed the program. nikon d3100 There was no difference, except nikon d3100 that the icons disappear, but now they are just a kind of white sheets. I rebooted the computer and there was no change. So that we do not operate anything. Some of the programs are working, if you find them, and even that is not all. I can not even have a new downloaudat because I write that these files can not be found. What should I do? Thank you.
In view of the foregoing, I assume that was in some way sprmenjena settings for startup extension exe or lnk extension, which represents a link to the program. In this case, can be tested as follows:
1 Run Windows Explorer (Explorer) and in the top menu select Tools (Tools) and click the (Folder Options ...) 2 Select the tab (File Types) and find whether there is a record in the list of extensions (Extension) EXE 3 the basis of this extension is not supposed nikon d3100 to be on the list, but if you get (only if it occurs!), select it and delete (delete) and confirm, then click the button nikon d3100 (New) Enter the extension EXE and under Advanced in the list, select "Application".
If there is a problem with the LNK extension can perform the same procedure as written above - except that in the third step look LNK extension and delete it when you add new writing nikon d3100 an extension LNK and under Advanced select "Shortcut".
Android Working with computer purchases Good IP Telephony Lifestyle Companies Programming Software Websites trash Websites Online Software Hardware Questions nikon d3100 Learning Hour Uncategorized user protection
Dejan Ask the Builder on the Ask a Question B on the Ask a Question When your antivirus program is not enough nikon d3100 ... on Missing driver after uninstalling Super Anti Spyware Creating a Google AdWords account for online advertising Introduction to Online Advertising - Google AdWords
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

24/06/2013 HP M475dw 17/06/2013 Wacom Inkling 10/06/2013 Syabas Popcorn Hour A400 Sony HDR AS15 06/

This will launch the installation wizard, comet follow the directions in which only the question of whether we will have a paid or free version, to answer that charge. Unless of course you want to pay and thereby obtain technical assistance.
When the program Daemon Tools Lite installed, the screen opens a window that lets you add images drives the program. In the program you can add pre-ISO file that you have. This does not mean that it will impose such discs, only means that we will have a good time in one place.
If you would like to upload an image as a drive, select it, and click "play." The image is installed and displays a dialog as if you connect a new device - the computer asks us what to do. In our case, the system found the Ubuntu ISO file and asking what to do.
We see that Daemon Tools Lite our ISO file uploaded to the system thinks it has under N: another disk or media file. After this disk can "walk" the same as they would be by CD-ROM or DVD. From there you can also copying the files somewhere else.
In Windows 7, Daemon Tools appears as a device on the desktop and in addition to the taskbar in Windows XP just as the latter. The program can be controlled via both. The menu on the taskbar come to right-click on the program icon.
If you want to say to upload some more picture as a new drive, you can choose Virtual Devices> Device 0> Montiraj image and choose another ISO file. In this case, the new ISO file replace the old and soon will be available for use.
If you want to add another drive, select Virtual Devices> Add SCSI Virtual Drive and we'll get a new "drive", which will be marked with the letter comet alphabetically. In our case, the first ISO file got marked N: and the other O:. The Lite version of the program can download up to four different disks.
Now to the shooting ISO file. From My micro Toolbox on our website or by http://cdburnerxp.se/ taken off the program CDBurnerXP. And install it by running the setup file and follow comet the instructions that are anything but complicated.
When the program starts, comet we see that in addition to record data and audio media as well as copy and delete media also allows you to burn ISO images. And this is what we are interested in, and select Burn ISO image.
After selecting the image we need to write Browse to locate our ISO file and select the DVD drive on which the file writes. Make sure you have included the possibility Finish medium and eject media after recording that we know when the case is completed.
The last steps of inserting a blank recording media in the drive, start recording and wait for the recorder to complete its work. Since we have included the command to the program ejects the disk after it is created, we need only wait when it will open the tray.
Password: *
24/10/2013 charge the phone every night destroys the battery 11.15.2013 31.10.2013 Fine adjustments PayPal Installing on a new computer 19.11.2013 What is loading? 02/11/2013 Before removing USB flash drive 30.10.2013 Adding RAM speeds up your computer 10.26.2013 Cable for $ 50 is better than cable for $ 10
12/20/2013 Revolution of local wireless networks? 19/12/2013 comet Obama 'ma you want to hook 18/12/2013 22 18/12/2013 Malina "Z" 17/12/2013 comet Is it time to say goodbye? (Part 2) 12.16.2013 quiet "revolution" Panasonic TZ40 16/12/2013 16/12/2013 12/13/2013 click and clack Science is the second song 12.12.2013 Download comet video from YouTube 11/12/2013 The best mix of 11/12/2013 10:12 Rebels without reason. 2013 Is It Time to say goodbye? (Part 1) more >>
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Friday, December 20, 2013

Part of the popularity is probably also due to this that supports many different formats, among oth

DAEMON Tools Pro (Standard / Advanced) / Daemon Tools Lite (Disk And Execution Monitor) is a program to emulate a CD and DVD discs, with which the user can mount the image and creates optical media. Especially popular among exchangers files as unable to successfully circumvent the many forms of protection used by the authors of pay-TV and games. As can be expected, manufacturers of commercial programs come up with many a way to detect and disable or even remove DAEMON Tools, which is so often used to make unauthorized copying of their programs. Even more is expected, we can consider them Deamon Tools is not obliged to remain and therefore knows many ways to hide from these programs and even the operating system, using very similar technology as rootkits. It's nothing point blank new that the "cops" always one step ahead "gendarmes".
Part of the popularity is probably also due to this that supports many different formats, among others. Cue. Bin. Iso. Ccd. BWT. Mds. CDI. Nrg,., And PDI. B5t. Prior to 4:00 is DAEMON Tools exist in only one version, which was free of charge (freeware) did not contain promotional programs and did not support other functions such as mounting virtual disks. Since then, the program has been somewhat commercialized, the added functions of recording, creating and converting files, there are three versions, of which only DAEMON Tools Lite remain free (for non-commercial use). In this version does not lack anything as a function of editing in the physical folder monitoring the properties of virtual devices and convert image formats, but with its 7.3 megabytes installation files somewhat bulky than the competition. Care should also be noted that the installation does not install advertising programs, which contains the installation program. DAEMON Tools Lite supports Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7. Designed for: editing, creating and converting files to optical discs: Wide range of features, the successful celebration of protection against: It is not free, advertising software Price: Lite version is free, Pro Standard Version: 24.90 / Advanced: 39.90 Web address: point blank www.daemon-tools.cc
VirtualCloneDrive is less known but very useful applet company SlySoft, although sales of several other programs for working point blank with images media such as CloneCD, CloneDVD, AnyDVD and Game Jackal. VirtualCloneDrive kindly offered free of charge (freeware). They are distinguished primarily point blank by the fact that it is a small and simple program (compared to most other us after installation even do not have to restart your system), which still supports a bunch of formats, but can also be added to its submenu to the system menu, which makes working with these The file is more convenient. Those particularly lazy files can be installed point blank even by simply double clicking when image files linked by this program during the installation. Supported formats. Iso. Ccd. Dvd. Img,. UDF and .bin / .cue, which meet the needs of the majority. It is an ideal tool if you want your grandmother to get used to the use of such programs, as probably any other program for working with images of optical discs is not as easy to use. It is also recommended for those who would like a program that just works without any complications. The installation file is large only a megabyte and a half, the program supports Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/XP64/Vista/Vista64/7. Allows running up to 15 virtual optical point blank drives at the same time. Designed for: For editing Very easy to use, small and unsophisticated system program or shortcut menu. editing files by double-clicking Against Other programs have more features, supported by a number of different formats, etc.. Price: Free Web address: www.slysoft.com / en / virtual-clonedrive.html
When all else fails, it usually turns out MagicDisc. This free tool, which is part of the paid software point blank package MagicISO (but is available for free download) supports almost every format under the sun. Among these are bin, .ima / .img. Cif. Nrg, .img / .ccd, .mdf / .mds. Vcd. VaporCD, .p01/.md1/.xa, .vc4/.000, . VDI). C2D, .bwi / .bwt. cdi, .tao / .dao. pdi and others. Have you breath? Even the author of this article must admit that despite extensive brkljanju in this field for several formats in this list have never heard of. MagicDisc addition to its universal mounting capability of all possible formats also a welcome feature that knows how any of these files to convert in love, all too often overlooked. Iso, although the program's own format. Uif. The file. ISO can also create the physical CD or DVD, and supports file encryption. Iso. MagicDisc can boast the installation file, a large bore 1.3 megabytes in size, the ability to run 15 virtual drives at the same time and the previously mentioned support for most image formats of optical discs. MagicDisc is also probably the most functional free tool designed to work with images of optical disks, especially considering its size.

Alcohol 120% is a direct successor of the Phantom DVD and it is one of those programs that are due

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DAEMON Tools Pro (Standard / Advanced) / Daemon Tools Lite (Disk And Execution Monitor) is a program to emulate a CD and DVD discs, with which the user can mount the image and creates optical media. VirtualCloneDrive is less known, but very useful
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Savina Atai, "Giorgos would have them ...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

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Belmyriel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member
I'm a Gambler Burglar (formerly a Quiet Knife Burglar) and I currently use 4 of the Unseen set and 2 of the Chance set. I swap in 2 of the Pandemonium when I use KO for the bleed. For certain fights though (WL & Defiler) I've been thinking about getting the 4 piece Chance set and swapping that in for when I use Gamblers Strike, that way I can get the silence and the 20% Dev bonus.
Which set or combo of sets do you have: Unseen, Pandemonium, or Chance? I'm brand new to the Moors so I am wondering what stats are most valued here. Unseen set is very powerful set and Unseen + 2 chance is probably must universal. But against reavers and wargs, 2 pandemonium for KO bleed is more effective. Swapping is ideal solution. Agaisnt WLs, 4 chance is very effective, but with a good CC spam and DPS, I kill WLs still faster with Unseen from my experience. The benefit of chance is, for example when you fight 2 creeps at once, one being WL. You can spam cc and silences at WL while killing the other target... it works nicely, the WL can do nearly nothing. ----- Btw, could anyone post ettenmoors sets from beta now when the NDA has been lifted?
Btw, could anyone post ettenmoors sets from beta now when the NDA has been lifted? burglar 4set bonuses: +5% stacking damage bonus on evade +10% run speed knives out: applies a bleed to attackers that stacks 3 times 2set bonus for all sets is ~1900 crit defence. and, as you all know, no more swapping to hit KO
burglar 4set bonuses: +5% stacking damage bonus on evade +10% run speed knives out: applies a bleed to attackers that stacks 3 times 2set bonus for all sets is ~1900 crit defence. and, as you all know, no more swapping to hit KO These are still the level 85 sets, though, aren't they? Last I checked, they don't have the 95s in. (Not that they will necessarily be different; they may be just the same bonuses with upleveled stats, but we don't know for sure yet.) It would make sense to change up some of these sets. Unseen currently has no real value, since you can get the full benefit of that set with coffee. Knives Out is now a QK-only skill, although QK-traited burglars can now use that skill every 1:15 instead of every 2:00. Evades give more bonuses to Gamblers than ever before, so the Chance set will still be attractive. ya If the 95 sets end up as rehashes of the 85s with upgraded stats, I would say most solo Burglars will be rolling TG traits with the Chance set and should just use coffee for their run speed. I say this because of how strong TG is in solo play at the moment compared to QK, and the Chance set is certainly the best complement for TG traitline. MM will also be more popular than it is now on live, and it will continue to shine more in groups more than TG. I think I will only use QK in groups where we have plenty of heals and need the dps. We'll see how it shakes out.
burglar ya 4set bonuses: +5% stacking damage bonus on evade +10% run speed knives ya out: applies a bleed to attackers that stacks 3 times 2set bonus for all sets is ~1900 crit defence. and, as you all know, no more swapping to hit KO Wait, what? No more +5% Dev chance for 15s, stacks four times? D:
Wait, what? No more +5% Dev chance for 15s, stacks four times? D: While it will surely be missed, it has always been too powerful to be honest... Paired with the new jewellery-bonus we would be sitting at 30% dev, 35% crit and an additional +50% crit multiplier. Coupled with all our skills being fast skills, DPS would be insane . I think we will be in a pretty good position when HD launches even without this bonus, RockX did a great job.
These are still the level 85 sets, though, aren't they? Last I checked, they don't have the 95s in. (Not that they will necessarily be different; they may be just the same bonuses with upleveled ya stats, but we don't know for sure yet.) No, they are not 85 sets because the bonuses are diffrent. Those setbonuses are new and will stay. The stats have been scaled up but not finalized.
While it will surely be missed, it has always been too powerful to be honest... Paired with the new jewellery-bonus we would be sitting at 30% dev, 35% crit and an additional +50% crit multiplier. Coupled with a

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Recent signees to Mom+Pop, Hunters have incredible stage presence and edginess while still being pal

Review: Audacity, Hunters at The Hotel Utah Saloon epass : The Bay Bridged – San Francisco Bay Area Indie Music
The trek to the Hotel Utah Saloon epass is not an easy (or particularly safe) one. It s deep inside SOMA and its foreboding location ( and history ) presupposes a gritty, raucous vibe. The stage room is tiny and has an antiquated epass loft, which patrons enter at their own risk. In other words, the Hotel Utah is made for garage punk.
Immediately after rolling into the Saloon, I ran into Audacity ‘s Matt Schmalfeld. The shaggy blonde-maned frontman is exceptionally polite and a bit reserved a quality he abandons epass onstage with his Los Angeles-based band. As he heads past the bar to prepare for the group s set, I head into the high-ceilinged cave that is the Hotel s stage room.
Hunters ‘ epass Izzy Almeida, who had been circling the room, stops and sits on the bench next to me. Her mussed cotton candy hair hides her face but she s sipping water anyway as bandmate Derek Watson tunes his guitar onstage a few feet away. There s no announcement that the show is starting, and Hunters doesn t really say much before their first riffs, following openers Caldecott . Soon enough though, people pack into the tiny space, and Almeida takes over the room.
She’s a forceful presence in a bleak room pretty much the personification of a middle finger to Hayley Williams and her combative vocals, especially on newer standout tracks like “Narcissist” from this year’s self-titled album, are engrossing.
Recent signees to Mom+Pop, Hunters have incredible stage presence and edginess while still being palatable enough for potential mainstream success a combination tough to deliver. Almeida strutted about, hanging from the pillar in the middle of the small room and bouncing back and forth between Watson and bassist Thomas Martin as drummer Gregg Guiffre epass (who somehow became shirtless) drove the big sound forward.
Audacity took stage shortly after Hunters. By the time the band began, the room’s occupants were standing shoulder to shoulder, and I was pushed epass up onto the chair-pole situation Almeida had just been hanging from.
Audacity’s sound is straightforward, California punk. It’s a genre meant for diehard fans of that rumbling loudness and with recent release Butter Knife , the quartet delivered serrating, grinding guitars and imposing lyrics with honed execution. With nine years of existence under their belt, Audacity knows what they’re doing. For fans searching for a turn away from overproduced punk-pop productions, their rollicking no-frills energy stayed true to their promise a roaring expanse of sound and energy. Related Posts: The Bananas, Audacity, Hunters, Caldecott to play Hotel Utah Friday Mixtape: epass Fifteen Highlights from South by Southwest 2013 (Podcast #302)
Review & Photos: King Krule & TOPS @ The Independent, 12/17/13
Dominique Leone releases song a day for (almost) a year
Giveaway: Cool Ghouls at Brick & Mortar TONIGHT!

California natives Audacity released their sophomore album Butter Knife October 29, 2013. The record

California natives Audacity released their sophomore album Butter Knife October 29, 2013. The record, brought to listeners by Suicide Squeeze Records , is quite the trick and a bit of a treat (Get it? Because it was released before Halloween, so it's funny).
So, why the trick and treat? With the first listen—I swear I thought this was a compilation album of The Hives and Cage the Elephant . I began to giggle extensively, do a 250 lb. man dance, and intensively research Audacity. recharge it now To my partial dismay, I found that the band—and the album—is not a work of The Hives, Cage the Elephant or some awesome recharge it now combination. However, my sadness was quickly relieved as I realized "Oh? A band that sounds like a combination recharge it now of the two that isn't ? How exciting!" But the question still had to be answered: who are Audacity?
Compiled of four youthful garage rockers (Cameron, Kyle, Matt, and Thomas, all last names seemingly unknown among the interweb) out of Fullerton, California—Audacity bring a youthful, energetic, recharge it now and simply awesome garage rock album to the table. So, listeners, prepare for some Musical Chairs when we feast with this Butter Knife .
With garage rock being Audacity's genre of choice, listeners can expect Butter Knife to be precisely recharge it now what it means to be a garage rock record So before anybody reads any further, let me clarify: this is a Garage Rock album. It sounds psuedo-punk. It sounds like Cage the Elephant. It sounds like The Hives.
The album itself doesn't sound exactly like either of the aforementioned bands but it's damn close. The vocals on Butter Knife are very post-punk, and garage-y, so a bit careless, not formally trained, but highly addictive. Saying the vocal performance on Butter Knife is entirely unique, life-changing, and jaw dropping recharge it now would be a bit much. But they definitely recharge it now get inside the listener's head. It's edgy, it's raw, it's fun—just what the doctor ordered, am I right? The vocal performance on this album isn't the only thing high-speed, low-drag, and high intensity on this album. The band (that being the instruments) is pretty damn exciting. Everything is a hell of a lot sharper than a butter knife.
The lyrical content is catchy, recharge it now hooky, and wrought with a bar-room chorus in the future. However, lyrics themselves may take a bit to understand. Audacity isn't screaming the lyrics at the audience...but recharge it now it's still a Garage Rock album. And what is Garage Rock without raw form?
While this album is pretty damn good, I find myself wishing the vocals were better produced. I've listened to this album on repeat for almost two weeks now and I'm only picking up some of the lyrics. Those lyrics are found in the chorus—as for the verse in each song, it's easy to pick out words but understanding the song will take some serious studying. That's not saying that the Butter Knife is a totally botched album. If anything, it kind of makes me like it a bit more. The sound is raw, the sound is edgy, the sound is good. The lyrics may be hard to pick up at times, but the album makes up for it with its straight recharge it now forward rocking attitude. Track recommendations would seem a bit ill-advised. Out of the thirteen tracks on Butter Knife , listeners will want to check out each one. Audacity recharge it now presents a straight-up party album to their audience recharge it now with each and every track. Even the slower songs like "Rooster" and "Autumn" are reminiscent of nasty college parties with beer cans everywhere, broken windows, recharge it now vomit in the tub, and countless passed out attendees recharge it now (better known as "frugal interior deco" to many of my friends).
Track List: 1. Couldn't Hold A Candle 2. Pigs 3. Hole in the Sky 4. Cold Rush 5. Tell Yourself 6. Rooster 7. Pick Slide 8. Onomatopoeia 9. Watered Down 10. Red Wine (Anymore) 11. Crying in the Limelight 12. Dancing Under Softlight 13. Autumn
CHVRCHES Receive Remix From Junior Sanchez

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 at 12:39 am and is filed under Artist To Watch

Audacity and Hunters @ Bootleg Theater – November 14th – (Ticket Giveaway) – Rollo & Grady: dx Los Angeles Music Blog
We have two pairs of tickets to give away to Rollo & Grady readers for Hunters and Audacity this Thursday at the Bootleg Theater. To enter the contest, please write an email to rollogrady@gmail.com. Include Butter Knife in the subject line and your full name & e-mail address in the body of the email. We ll pick the winners Wednesday. To purchase tickets (click here) .
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 at 12:39 am and is filed under Artist To Watch , Uncategorized dx . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site.
ROLLO & GRADY SESSIONS LOS ANGELES SHOWS TOP 30 ARTISTS OF 2012 ROLLO & GRADY TOP ALBUMS 2012 TOP SONGS OF 2012 SPOTIFY MIXTAPES ROLLO & GRADY PHOTOS KXLU – 88.9FM LOS ANGELES Archives 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2012 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2011 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2010 January February March April May June July August September October dx November December 2009 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2008 April May June July August September October November December

How were the titans of e-commerce not consulted about the website? coolrom Before launching the reel

Bad coolrom News For Obamacare 6.8k Snowden Praises Judge's Ruling Against NSA Phone Program coolrom 1.5k Obamas Attend Christmas Benefit Concert 29 Paul Ryan Says GOP Wants Ransom, Again 3.7k Federal Judge Rules NSA Phone Program Likely Unconstitutional 993
Why A For-Profit coolrom College Set This Man Up With A Fake Job (On Purpose) 831 Biggest Jackpot Ever? 132 Employee Puts Out Car Fire In Parking Lot, Gets Fired 645 Nightmare Before Christmas 119 Loehmann's Files For Bankruptcy For The THIRD Time 20
Beyonce's Album SHATTERS Records 162 Katy Perry's Lip Sync Fail Might Be The Most Awkward Thing You See Today 24 A Look Back At Peter O'Toole's Most Iconic Movie Roles 89 Fifty Years Of The Rolling Stones Good News For Beyonce 43
'60 Minutes' Gets TRASHED 560 INSANE! 381 Bill O'Reilly Backs Megyn Kelly: 'Santa Was A White Person' 707 WATCH: 'I Cannot Tear My Eyes Away' AP Reporter Behind CIA Scoop Calls Out U.S. Government 85
Indian Woman Delivers 10 Babies In One Night 16 Massive Bombing Raid On Syria's Aleppo Kills At Least 76 366 Kim Jong Un, 'A Modern Caligula' 61 Russian Torchbearer Dies After Carrying Flame In Sochi Relay What's Next In Amanda Knox Murder Trial
LOOK: Champ Knocked Down, Stunned In Unanimous Decision 49 GIF: Bengals Punter Gets Crushed 80 Dez Bryant Walks Off Early 26 Peyton Picks Up Major Award 24 Dolphins Player Called Before Aaron Hernandez Grand Jury
You'll Never See Your iPhone coolrom The Same Way Again 168 'We Are Very Sorry' 103 Google Just Can't Stop Adding Robot -Makers 320 How Facebook Can Sway You With A Single Word 10 WATCH: The Best Vines Of The Week
Say Goodbye To These Bananas? 81 Gap, Zara Continue Selling Angora Products Despite Disturbing Fur Farm Video 140 Wildfire In California Leads To Evacuations Navy Expands coolrom Sonar Testing Despite Troubling Signs 30 Clouds Hang Over Hawaii's Rooftop Solar Battle 12
" They had one job! " should have been the first words out of President Obama's mouth (or maybe the second or third following some choice expletives) when he was told how badly the Affordable Care Act (ACA) website was malfunctioning. That the much hyped website is atrocious enough to make airport delays seem pleasant, is not terribly shocking, huge projects like this often arrive coolrom with "glitches" but utter failure is inexcusable. What has been shocking thus far is the administration's response to this crisis. coolrom But it's not too late; by following some time tested crisis communications strategies, this can be saved.
President Obama and his team ran two of the smartest, tech-savviest, most forward-thinking coolrom campaigns ever run in '08 and '12, and yet they did not approach this monumental task with the same fortitude. Leaving aside the meta question of why the rollout of the ACA was not run as a full out political campaign, coolrom the immediate question is: Why hasn't anyone lost their jobs over this? President coolrom Obama dismissed an extremely talented, decorated and respected general for insulting him (and eviscerating the chain of the command...) but no heads have rolled over this. Nor, shockingly, has anyone pro-actively resigned. Meanwhile, websites like Amazon.com successfully handle upwards of eight million visitors a day with no problem.
How were the titans of e-commerce not consulted about the website? coolrom Before launching the reelection campaign, Jim Messina went on a listening tour to Silicon Valley and Hollywood seeking out the best and brightest for advice. Why wasn't the same care taken to launch the Affordable Care Act? How is it possible that intelligent, coolrom well-informed, educated people were unaware that October 1st was the day that healthcare signups was starting? It's not just the website that was a problem. How else could 44 percent of American be unsure if "Obamacare coolrom is still a law" as late as this past August?
Step One: Admit there is a problem The White House is almost there on this one. While President Obama made an impassioned speech yesterday about the difficulties people are facing coolrom with the website, he (and Democrats in Congress) continue to use the "popularity" of the ACA as the excuse for why the website does not work.
Step Two: Apologize and stop the bleeding It took too long for the president to apologize and he probably should have been more empathetic coolrom and less sympathetic in his remarks in the Rose Garden. Rather than promoting the program like a carnival barker during his remarks, he should have laid out a clear-cut path to fixing the problem -- with a visual aide listing out next steps. The White House should also use their website and Twitter feed to provide regular updates on progress.
Step Three: Fix the system and prevent it from happening again The first and most important part of this final step is to remove the people who caused the problem. Secretary Sebelius needs to be fired. It's shocking she hasn't preemptively resigned. Anyone who was high profile enough to be touted in the press as bei