Monday, December 2, 2013

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What we read: A true story that will make you look fondly Romania Day December 1, 2013 I 36 I 41 meeting vs. in one. How we use them properly? November 30, 2013 I 12 I 15 December 1 or May 10? When would be the National Day of Romania? November 30, 2013 I 67 I 13
Serious cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders affecting the nervous system pdf or mental illness or some of the ailments that leave us without driving. We say today that are disease incompatible with the driver.
1) Problems with the Ministry of Health to order no. 1162/2010, the normative act that regulates what conditions are incompatible with driver establishes that driving licenses can not be renewed buzz from or by people who have problems with visual acuity or visual field, nor of those who have visual capacity low in low light conditions. Also not allowed to drive or those who present problems in terms of contrast sensitivity or suffering from diplopia (disturbance of vision consisting of double levying of the image of an object). pdf The decision also states that after the loss of vision in one eye, there must be an adjustment period of at least six months, during which driving is prohibited. After this period, driving is only allowed following a favorable opinion from the eye specialists and auto experts.
0 florin (unregistered user) added a month ago
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A. .. by the way ... well if no traffic with a car is not taught school should go through a roundabout ... mourning ... Boyfriends can read our militia as base still wants to be employed only those with specialized school ... well what the hell do the forensic field as NCO academy and school these materials pdf are like the wind through the leaves in spring ...
Education road ... here's a subject that should be taught in school ... have you ever looked into a so-called civic education card? bullshit ... Once they make games with traffic rules, even in kindergarten pdf did not mention the school when you send militia dressed to direct pdf the movement ... really ... so? Education is the first factor ... Well you guys that all look jackals hiding in the bushes, I assure you that dragons are not only outside but ... here ... in this country pdf on the brink of evaporation ... I do not deny that neither the militia today not ashamed, they do not know what that prevention and from offense ... day I asked a fool to follow more closely the movement to pass peitoni and I pull over for. verbal rebuke our kites no longer pdf escape ... the result was void because it was not my business what he does ... and of course I had to use for modern vocabulary. You remember the origin ... next time I call 112 to see just what others find solutions ...
THE FA RA hand drive, so they acquired when they were DRIVING THE DISABLED, HOW abstained CARD? The law says that we must have two hands on the wheel this guy DIN BUHUSI, JUD. Bacau - namely, driving scooter HOW CATALIN HAMMER WITH A HAND AND MACHINE AS. The police do?
You let the police pdf deal with it is not circulating properly if I give you the impression that you have something to give him the name. has adapted pdf disabled car and scooter pdf does not matter that you can drive with one hand. Just as I do.
I guarantee you this guy does not write messages and not be held phone while driving. And if you look on a driver's license is an area where there

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