Thursday, October 9, 2014

Code: uname -i If the command response is i386 (or i486 or i586 or i686, or 86 i X, where X is an i

Code: jre-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz Notes 1.1.1. jre is an abbreviation for J ava untime R E nvironment (JRE), which means "Java Runtime Environment". Within a JRE exists whenever a JVM (J ava V irtual M achine, which means "Java Virtual au Machine"). In general, the JRE from Sun / Oracle JVM is java file (without extension), which is inside au the (bin Aryans executables ...) bin folder where JRE is installed. 1.1.2. 7u45 means "version 7 update 45" (version 7 upgrade 45). 1.1.3. linux obviously means that the file is to install au Java on GNU / Linux. 1.1.4. i586 means that the package is for installation on a "Intel 586" system architecture, au which in other words means that it is for 32-bit operating systems. If your system is 64-bit, you should get the file that has an x64 instead of i586. 1.1.5. tar.gz means that all files and folders JRE were first stored in an uncompressed file (tar extension) and then the tar file has been compressed with GZIP application, which added him gz extension after the tar. As explained in the preliminary notes, files with extension tar.gz are named tarball. 1.1.6. If you happen to not know if your system is 32 or 64 bits, between the terminal and run the command
Code: uname -i If the command response is i386 (or i486 or i586 or i686, or 86 i X, where X is an integer greater than zero), then your system au is 32-bit. If the command au response for x86_64 (or x86_64 or amd64 or x64, or anything else containing 64), then your system is 64-bit. 1.2. Install Sun Java. Let's assume the following: What did you record the tarball in your Downloads folder. That your username is bogus. That your Downloads folder is inside your home directory (which is / home / bogus). In this case, the file must be obtained within / home / bogus / Downloads. A shortcut to that folder is ~ / Downloads au (the ~ is shorthand for your home directory). Replace those names and paths around the correct values for your system and run this supercomando in terminal: For GNU / Linux 32-bit: au
Code: sudo mkdir / opt / java && sudo mv ~ / Downloads / jre-7u45-linux-i586.tar.gz / opt / java && au cd / opt / java && sudo chmod a + x jre-7u45-linux-i586. tar.gz && sudo tar xvf jre-7u45-linux && sudo mv-i586.tar.gz ./jre1* && sudo rm ./jre -f ./jre-*.tar.gz For GNU / Linux 64-bit :
Code: sudo mkdir / opt / java && sudo mv ~ / Downloads / jre-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz / opt / java && cd / opt / java && sudo chmod a + x jre-7u45-linux-x64. tar.gz && sudo tar xvf jre-7u45-linux && sudo mv-x64.tar.gz ./jre1* ./jre && sudo rm -f ./jre-*.tar.gz Notes 1.2.1. What makes up the supercomando? He creates the java folder inside / opt, then move the tarball into that folder, enter / opt / java executable and makes the tarball. au Then run the TAR application to copy the contents of the executable tarball into / opt / java. It then created a subfolder in / opt / java, such subfolder is renamed to jre (which is in this folder are all the files from the Sun Java) and hence the way it is being / opt / java / jre. Finally, the tarball is then deleted. 1.2.2. If you prefer, you can run a command at a time. Each of those && command serves to separate one from the other. 1.2.3. If your system is Ubuntu (instead au of Xubuntu, Lubuntu or some other variant au of Ubuntu), then most likely you are running Unity. In this case, you can use the key combination Ctrl + Alt + T keys to access the terminal. Another common way to run terminal on GNU / Linux is to click with the right mouse button on an open area of your Desktop (Desktop) and select the option containing the terminal word or term. Remember: you have to open the conventional terminal (user mode). Do not use the terminal in superuser mode (root)! 1.2.4. In Sun's Java download au page there is a link with installation instructions. However, suggests that manual install Java in / usr / local, while this tutorial I recommend installing in / opt / java because it comes from ionals opt opt ("optional") and Sun Java is an "optional" since that the JRE is not officially supplied with your GNU / Linux. Anyway: is up to you (and risk) do differently than described here. 1.2.5. If you do not know or want to run the terminal commands run in a separate console, use the Ctrl Alt F1 to enter the tty1 (terminal No. 1), log into tty1 and run the commands shown here. Note that in this case you can not use the mouse to copy and paste commands. To return to the GUI (which is in tty7), press the key combination au Ctrl + Alt + F7 keys. In general, to switch between the GUI (term

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