Tuesday, October 14, 2014

enseanalüüs life of a waste of time (1) waste of time (36) Life (128) enseanalüüs (38) hope (22), r

When the end of the world just does not happen today, then tomorrow, I still have to go to school, and this time you plan to enjoy the full power hours :) Somehow, I am not very enthusiastic about it .. At least the weather is the same as the previous week .. oh shit .. it's not .. jh Positive .. hmm .. no .. at least I have a cold room, wait .. well .. it's not positive .. hmm .. i got .. hard to beat soccer yesterday? .. nop, still not positive .. it seems that I'm staying positive points that are currently owed: D Yep, yesterday I went to play football, I got royally beat up every part of your body hitting the end .. I ran prickle, hardly got the ball and kicked only two goals .. frustrating .. at least I move it .. even this thing , but now all the places are aching and bruised all over, yesterday, even lonkasin nata Apt .. I do not like Steniga (kursavennaga) .. go play some type of a raucous serious and arrogant to me .. sorry, I'm not a player, and a professional level, I sometimes just want to kick the game 2 times after that .. because that he captures hundreds of times, and after the shocks along the sides .. I go to play the ball in order to have fun .. not to win the game .. the entertainment is the keyword. . arbitrary Ah .. he .. it has it's own problems that are so serious and proud .. V I totally wanted to attract kluppi yesterday .. mmm .. I'm going to CT'sse if the party theme is "Men" .. why they do now, "sausage, two" do not call? Merchant named after? Yesterday I started to talk to any girls Badoos kh .. I know these conversations do not lead anywhere, but just entertainment .. I like to talk to people, and if IRL, I do not dare to go talk to the girls, then at least it is on the web is a breeze .. On average, the duration windows movie maker of these conversations either in one session or if the case goes to MSN .. then one conversation once + still 1.2 times, which is considerably cooler, a result of which I just can not be bothered to talk to them anymore, because it is understood that they can not be bothered, and you do not The girls have bothered me too .. fantast ability to feel boring to do if you need to .. really .. I have not forgotten it: D But I do not usually do this, only when I'm busy .. I usually try to be as warm human against, even if I do not have any communication about this from a human perspective loota..lihtsalt .. .. .. all the people are interesting, some just hide it very much: DA contacted me .. mm .. Friday night .. I guess he was nata alkot drinking, and this emboldened to start talking to me on msn's windows movie maker guess .. 5 in the morning .. We talked about coming together still could not reach .. he's got some new fears emerged .. I can not do anything about it .. he has to do these things to resolve themselves in my head .. sadly .. jh .. I'll give it all the power in his hands .. I do not like it, but no choice .. I just have to wait for when he does .. hüppamistuju be .. K .. jh example this may come .. forever .. However .. I try to be optimistic .. M K is concerned .. after all of yesterday on the phone, he did not take it well .. We always host a msn .. he's also had a whole day .. A ' d also had a full day's msn .. I hope nothing's happened behind the new week .. Okay .. .. .. must come after the new power of self-development has to be my No. 1 priority of RSD seminars .. See once again draw from the knowledge wisdom, a new way of thinking .. This moment would not come to mind more about what to write .. Even wonder that a blog on which name is "devoid of content for the blog" I have a surprisingly tight and long poles .. When I started this blog in mind, the do not believe that I am writing here so much .. I'm pleasantly impressed by myself: D
This is my blog. There are many blogs, but this blog is my own. My blog is my best friend. This is my life. I need to become an expert in its use as I need to become an expert in their own lives to cope. My blog, without me, is useless. Without my blog about me useless. My blog is a person, like myself, windows movie maker because it is my life. So I'm learning this as I learn the vennalt.Ma weaknesses, its strengths, its parts and its possibilities. I'll keep my blog clean and spammivabana as I keep myself clean. We can part from one another.
enseanalüüs life of a waste of time (1) waste of time (36) Life (128) enseanalüüs (38) hope (22), riots (3) celebration (30) relationships (7) Future windows movie maker (3) dreams (11)
2014 (1) August (1) 2012 (5) March (2) February (1) January (2) 2011 (72) December (3) November (4) October (1) September (3) August (5) July (5) June (8) May (5) April (13) March (11) February (5) January windows movie maker (9) 2010 (57) December (15) November windows movie maker (9) October (9) September (10) is Boring Week vahet..igav title .. Time .. Buuuusy day Ejaculat

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