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Outsourcing: Fredrik Lund, CIO p HL Display has made a sourcing trip in addition to the usual.
Much focus when it comes to the Indian consulting companies gaining ground in Sweden has fallen on TCS. But next door to TCS in Htorgsskraporna in central Stockholm grows another Indian company in rocket speed, nmligen Wipro.
Webbdagarna Webbdagarna Ore gathering in r 30 speakers and rekordmnga participants who want to learn more about digital shops. Internet World snder live from Webbdagarna Ore on 19 and 20 May by speakers like Twitter's design director Mike Kruzeniski, serieentreprenren Hampus Jakobsson and Serial-producer Emily Condon.
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Microsoft has been working on its new webmail for years, and the name has since been Windows Live Mail. It turned out that the name was not popular with users. Feedback from users shows that the brand Hotmail, which has existed since 1996, is so ingrained in the Microsoft email the minds of that it is not possible to start a new service without it. Instead, the new service called Windows Live Hotmail, and the name must immediately grand theft auto 5 begin to be used in the beta test is going on. Richard Sim Microsoft writes in his blog that users were "extremely loyal to the Hotmail brand and perceived the beta version as an upgrade to Hotmail". Sim also writes that most of the users have been satisfied with Hotmail for years, and they liked the improvements in the beta version of the new service, but was confused by the name change.
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