Friday, July 18, 2014

Viewing the BBC news again, and again, a big explosion took place in Iraq. And I

Viewing the BBC news again, and again, a big explosion took place in Iraq. And I'm big fish sitting here at, listening big fish to smooth jazz, and can not be bothered to go voluntarily to Somalia, while the dollar ticking on my bill ... (Union big fish Bank 1001 047 24 66 016 .. if you want to meet my watch batteries, so to speak, because these are the two kroon Varta 's, to be honest ... and this hotel could be twice as asterisks ;) - and toilet paper, as already begin to grumble!) There Somalia, or anywhere else in Africa is probably way too hot, and no holster must do. (I left school geography and health education classes skip.), I should like Andrus Veerpalu before you go to practice, but instead would be affected for a few days the sauna. Can play the fool is dope, I read the page that this was some sort of discussion? He must think all the time of a glass cocoon of his head, for several weeks in a row, and there is a cocoon then kõrgmäestikuolud. No, actually it was a bit ridiculous Veerpalu glass ball on his head before receiving the famous, and later built a dedicated Otepää stuffy house. Sports in general, I do not care, but it's an image that I'm in the International Herald Tribune 's sports page accidentally saw reminded slides by Igor Volke I once tried to explain the Kuku Club. He might be confused with children's programs in the characters with pictures, and I expressed this opinion to him - and so shattered in my eighth glasses, with telepathy, he did not use it for, as I tried to explain later Mustamäe hospital. Later, I made a corresponding laser surgery - and let us dreadlocks hair done. Bleached. Witness Protection, Priit! ;) Or who it was you who wanted to give me a beating?
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